Get Involved

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The Lonely Entrepreneur is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Contributions will be used in its discretion for charitable purposes and are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our tax identification number is 82-5384709.

Donation Total: $1,000 One Time


Entrepreneurial skills are no longer “nice to have.” They are essential to individuals realizing their potential, overcoming systemic challenges and leading a more fulfilling life. What better way to empower the individuals you care about than with skills they need to realize their potential. Thank you for your support.

Your dollars allow us to provide entrepreneurs with free access to the Learning Community to help them on their journey. For each $250 you donate, we can provide the Learning Community to an entrepreneur for a full year. 

The Learning Community gives entrepreneurs multiple ways to get the answers they need including: 

  • Knowledge: 1,000+ learning modules on business and personal issues entrepreneurs face 
  • Tools: 100s of templates (e.g., legal agreements) and reviews of vendors (e.g., CRM) 
  • Ongoing Support: online group coaching and the ability to get questions answered by the TLE team 
  • Community: interact with a global community of thousands of fellow entrepreneurs 
  • 150+ Funding Sources: exposure to funding opportunities 
  • 50+ Vendor Vetting and Deals: vetted vendors and deals (including some free services) 
  • 200+ Procurement Opportunities: opportunities to offer services to larger companies 


The Learning Community is a sidekick for an entrepreneur at every step of their journey and is available 24/7. Instead of searching all over for answers, entrepreneurs now have one place to go for answers.


We provide three ways for your employees to volunteer as part of the program. For our corporate partners, we provide full reporting on all volunteer hours.

Get Involved

Coaching session

Conduct a one-hour group coaching session on a topic you are well versed in (e.g., finance, marketing)

Time Commitment = 1 Hour


Mentor an entrepreneur we match you with in eight (8) one-hour sessions 

Time Commitment = 8 Hours

man with tablet smiling

Learning module

Create learning modules that will be added to the learning modules used by entrepreneurs.

Time Commitment = 2 Hours


Represent our Black, Hispanic and other initiatives in your community by spreading the word about how to help entrepreneurs on their journey. 

Our Ambassadors are an accomplished group of diverse professionals that bring unique and seasoned insights to guide our mission of serving underserved entrepreneurs. 


Help us connect with companies, philanthropies and individuals that are passionate about empowering entrepreneurs. We will work with you to create an individualized fundraising page to support your outreach efforts. Contact [email protected] for more information.  

Contact Us For More Information About Serving as an Ambassador or Supporting our Fundraising Efforts


When you Adopt an Entrepreneur, you give an entrepreneur of your choosing free access to the business knowledge, tools and support they need. Your donation helps entrepreneurs avoid costly mistakes and empowers them to realize their business and personal potential.  

Adopt an Entrepreneur

Give an entrepreneur of your choice the tools they need to succeed.
$4,000 Raised so far $10,000 Our Goal


Every $250 donation adopts one entrepreneur of your choice or one entrepreneur from a community of your choice for one year of platform access. Choice a specific entrepreneur or from a group of entrepreneurs to support. ($250 = 1 entrepreneur, $1,000 = 4 entrepreneurs)
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This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.
The Lonely Entrepreneur is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Contributions will be used in its discretion for charitable purposes and are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our tax identification number is 82-5384709.

Donation Total: $1,000 One Time