Imagine if you could “Adopt an Entrepreneur” – to empower the individuals you care about with the skills and support they need to succeed. Now you can! Empower the entrepreneurs with one year free access to the Learning Community – the only one stop shop for entrepreneurs. 

TLE Learning Community logo

Adopt an Entrepreneur

Give an entrepreneur of your choice the tools they need to succeed.
$98,750 Raised so far $1,000,000 Our Goal


For each $250, we provide the Learning Community for 1 year to one specific entrepreneur of your choice OR one entrepreneur from a community of your choice (e.g. Black, Military, LGBTQ+). ($250 = 1 entrepreneur, $1,000 = 4 entrepreneurs, $2500 = 10 entrepreneurs). Donations of $500+ receive e copy of The Lonely Entrepreneur book.
Personal Info

Credit Card Info
This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.
The Lonely Entrepreneur is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Contributions will be used in its discretion for charitable purposes and are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our tax identification number is 82-5384709.

Donation Total: $1,000 One Time

How it Works

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Choose the Entrepreneurs You Want to Support

Choose a “type” of entrepreneur or specific individuals you want to support. For individuals, you will provide their info.

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Choose the Number You Want to Support

Each $250 enables us to give the Learning Community to an entrepreneur for a full year. Your donation is tax deductible.

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Complete the Donation Process 

You will receive confirmation of your tax-deductible donation via the e-mail you provide duriung the donation process.

Your Donation Makes an Impact

Kimberly Evans

Founder, Just Her Rideshare Inc.
Watch Video

Kelly Barnett

Co-Founder, Solo Spouse
Watch Video

When you Adopt an Entrepreneur, you give an entrepreneur of your choosing free access to the business knowledge, tools and support they need. Your donation helps entrepreneurs avoid costly mistakes and empowers them to realize their business and personal potential.  

man with tablet smiling

When you Adopt an Entrepreneur, you give an entrepreneur of your choosing free access to the business knowledge, tools and support they need. Your donation helps entrepreneurs avoid costly mistakes and empowers them to realize their business and personal potential.  

man with tablet smiling